Overview - What is Subjects Elective groups :
Some subjects , Like English Language for example , for the same grade / stream , will contain different course plans
each grouphttps://itworxproducts.aha.io/bookmarks/custom_pivots/new?bookmarks_custom_pivot%5Bconfiguration_view%5D=list&columns%5B%5D=ideas_reference_num&columns%5B%5D=ideas_name&columns%5B%5D=projects_name&columns%5B%5D=ideas_workflow_status_name&columns%5B%5D=ideas_created_by_user_id&columns%5B%5D=ideas_created_at&filters%5Bideas_created_by_portal_user%5D%5B6964342097370047806%5D=true&parent_table=ideas&reset=true of students of the same Grade/ Stream , will be assigned to a specific course plan , based on a certain criteria , like the English _Levels , in this case
After some investigation on the Courses structure on Manhal , there is extra Identifier for the Course Definition , as a sub from the Course area
Ex: Gr_09 _ English _ Level 1
Required implementation:
Add the new DDL for the courses definition
The DDL will be following any groups or sub levels , or any other elective definition as per Almanhal
This DDL will list the elective / grouping option , ad a dependencies on the parent course/subject